The talented third-wheeler

Bali is the creative expert behind most of The Patatas work, including the brand design for their recent website revamp.

The talented third-wheeler

Bali is the creative expert behind most of The Patatas work, including the brand design for their recent website revamp. He is part of a team of passionate enthusiasts with a noble goal - to empower the next generation where every child can get equal opportunities to education regardless of their background.

Read on to find out more about the skill he's interested in learning, his previous role and what it's like to work at The Patatas!

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

I know I am nowhere near it, but I would love to one day be a musician! I have zero music-writing talent but I would like to think this is something I can learn and get magically good at. I do, however, have a talent for third-wheeling!

2. Why did you choose to work at The Patatas?

When I first found out that The Patatas was part of a group of companies that do good work for different communities, I was immediately interested. During the interview they told me that I would also be required to travel quite a fair bit – and that made the job even more exciting. Even though we cannot travel for the time being, my job has evolved from telling stories to generating more clicks to our website.

3. What’s the most exciting part of your job?

The knowledge that we are providing education solutions and creating learning bridges to those in need. And also the fact that I get to create a brand identity for the company, and I have creative freedom to do what I think is best for us.

4. What’s your favourite thing about CaseStudy?

It is portable! You can literally set it up anywhere, anytime. And if the students or teachers want to take a break from learning, they can use the projector to play a movie for some entertainment!

5. What are the benefits of working with a small team?

We gel well with each other, and get to know each other better. We know everybody’s capabilities and we know who to look for should we require some assistance in a specific area. We work well together!

6. Where did you work before this position?

I was a full time photographer doing mostly weddings. It was a blessing that I joined The Patatas in 2019, just several months before the pandemic started which unfortunately affected the wedding industry pretty badly.

7. What’s a skill you’d like to improve on?

Illustrations. There is a common misconception that all graphic designers can draw and illustrate very well. Some of us can’t draw even if our lives depended on it!

8. What are your hopes for The Patatas in 2022?

We get to expand internationally, and we have offices in other countries so that we could deploy our work easily and more efficiently. There are so many communities that could benefit from our services, and we would love to help as many of them as possible.

9. (Just for fun!) Who is your favorite movie hero or heroine? Would you trade places with them?

I’m not sure if you can count him as a hero, but when I was younger I was obsessed with Peter Pan. He has always been a role model for me, mostly because I too did not want to grow up. I would definitely trade places with him because not only does he not grow old, but he can also fly!

If you’d like to find out more about The Patatas, click here!